Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Hunny Man is HOME!

He's here! He's here! He's finally here! No, not Santa - my hunny man is home! Kurt is finally back from his trip to Colorado, and I know he's only been gone 2 1/2 weeks, but I tell you it has been the most stressful and eventful 2 weeks of my young life... I think nearly all areas of my life have been put in the blender and puree'd, but now that he's home it's all going to be better :) but SHHHHH! Don't tell him, or else he'll get a big head about it, LOL! Now that he's home, I don't have to get up extra early to make sure the dogs get to eat and potty before work. Now that he's home, I don't have to stay up late to make sure everything gets locked up when the kids get home well past my bedtime. Now that he's home, I don't have to do my own laundry, and I can stop buying new clothes because I'm tired of doing my own laundry. Now that he's home, I don't have to pump my own gas or check the oil in the car, the van, or the lawnmower. Now that he's home, I don't have to watch movies by myself, and our DVR can finally be emptied of all the shows that I couldn't watch because we only watch them together. Now that he's home, I don't have to let the girls have a slumber party in my room to keep me company. Now that he's home, I don't have to bear the weight of sadness and hurt feelings all by myself because there's no one else to talk to. Now that he's home... well.... the list just goes on and on and on. Now that he's home, I don't have to leave all the empty spots in my life open, because my better half (he truly is what makes me a better person) has finally come back home :) Ok, ok, ok... enough of the smushy stuff... :) I'm sure the harping and nagging will kick into overdrive as usual first thing tomorrow, LOL!


  1. now you be nice to him and give him lots of good loving!!... wink wink nudge nudge say no more!

  2. you'll have a great weekend! glad Kurt is home.... wait til Monday before you start nagging ;)
